Rocket League Training – The Ultimate Training Pack Guide For Diamond and Below Players
Hi all, Chupa 49 here. As a player who has very limited time to play, finding great resources that I can use to concentrate on improving my skills are Rocket League can be pretty difficult. In this post, I want to go over Rocket League Training Packs, how they are beneficial to you, and go through my selection of over 35 training packs that are ideal from Silver all the way up to Diamond.
How To Improve at Rocket League Using Rocket League Trainer Packs
Rocket League Training Packs are custom training sequences created by Psyonix and players within the Rocket League Community. It was a response to the old custom Rocket League Trainer that was a PC exclusive created by Ra1n. Back then, PC players enjoyed a custom trainer that you could use to run various drills. Console players were unfortunately left in the dark until Psynoix released the Custom Trainer late in 2016. Since then, all players could access the customer trainer.
Recently, I have been diving into training packs and have been a bit frustrated at finding training packs appropriate for my skill set as most are way too hard for me. The other issue I have is finding video content on how to actually do these training packs. I understand training packs are great, but if a video doesn’t exist that shows you how to complete the pack, it can be difficult to actually perform the drills. This is definitely more noticeable in advanced packs like say backboards where a lower ranked player won’t really know where to hit the ball and when to jump. The last thing that has been annoying for me is the inability to search for training packs within the game. I mean, really a simple search function would be great. I get on forums or even on our server and players will recommend a pack by name. Well, if you don’t know what the heck the code is you are SOL.
So because of this frustration, I went out and made this compilation post to benefit all players in the Rocket League Community. This is a list of various training packs broken down by type of skill. My criteria for selecting these Rocket League Training packs were as follows:
- A video exists on how to perform the drills on the training pack so you can follow along
- A skill level is assessed so you can find the one that works for you – many videos are created by advanced players who likely have forgotten the skill set of the lower ranks. Since I am a Diamond level player and see the skill set in this tier everyday I have revised many original assessments these creators had
- Code is supplied so you can find it online
- Skill level for these packs will go up to Diamond. As of this post date I am a Diamond III level player so I do not feel comfortable talking about high tier packs. If you are Champ and above in rank check out our Champ to Grand Champion Rocket League Trainer Pack List.
- The creator has a social media or website so I can give proper credit to
So let’s get started.
Air Dribbling
Every newbie player in rocket league dreams of hitting Reddit worthy air dribble goals. They look awesome when you make them, but before I list out the packs you can use to practice I will say if you are not at least a mid-diamond level player (as of Season 6 update), this is something you really shouldn’t pursue as there are far more critical skills you can master. The Freestyle King, Jhzer has a great overview on how to perform Air Dribbles below:
Basic Popups
Creator – Wayprotein
Level – Gold, Platinum, Diamond
Code – DE43-1984-7858-7A57
Rocket League Coaching Discord member and coach Wayprotein starts up our post with this Popup aerial pack. Popup aerials are a common scoring method in the mid ranks in Rocket League competitive play. Practicing precision first touches will introduce the balance concept when it comes to air dribbling
Ground Air Dribbles
Creator – Nathz
Name – Ground Air Dribble
Level – Platinum, Diamond
Code – BCCA-F2A0-966A-5F96
Learning Ground air dribbles is a killer skill if you can pick this up in Diamond or Platinum. This map focuses solely on this skill so you can practice away!
Air Dribbles (Remake)
Creator – Wayprotein
Level – Diamond
Code – 6D84-3B06-1FA9-CAB8
An updated pack by Wayprotein to make it available to PS4 players. It starts off basic and moves to more immediate level air dribbles.
Aerial Shots
Aerials are a more realistic skill set to master as a newbie. Before getting into aerials, I would recommend getting muscle memory on how to do a quick aerial. Quick aerials will allow you to get up much faster than most players are low tiers, help you hit very high shots, and make you a better defender. To learn more about quick aerials, I’m going to show this video by Sir Timbers to get you started.
Understand and study this video well before beginning aerial training. Now that you got that down let’s list out a few rocket league training packs:
All-Star Training Aerials
Creator – Psynonix
Level – Bronze, Silver, and Gold 1
Code – NA
There is no pack for this. Just use the all-star level training provided in the game. This should provide you with plenty of practice to use your quick aerials
Basic Aerials
Creator – Wayprotein
Level – Gold, Platinum, Diamond
Code – 6972-30F3-7186-922A
These are some basic aerials that will come up during games. They will be hard at first for this level, but this is a good introduction and a bridge to more advanced aerials
Sideways Aerials
Creator – tRose888RL
Level – Platinum, Diamond
Code – EA43-4BC8-8068-B032
This is a simple 4 shot pack that introduces players to sideways aerials
90 Degree Aerial Trainer
Creator – tRose888RL
Level – Platinum, Diamond
Code – 9ACD-CA3D-B52B-0130
This pack introduces 90 degree aerials to the player. This is another common ingame scenario when you have to fly in and hit tricky 90 degree shots – usually off of 50/50s or ceiling bounces
Freestyle Goals 2
Creator – Nasty Zjoon
Level – Diamond
Code – 2D82-B92E-28AA-6B77
This is a great pack to introduce freestyle aerials and shots. These scenarios usually come up in play from passes or wall hits and will provide the player plenty of solid practice time. The 2nd shot is bugged so you can’t 100% the pack, but the rest of the shots are good to practice on.
Ball Catching
Ball catching is a skill that starts becoming critical when you hit Diamond level play. If you know how to catch, you will have an agility advantage over your opponents. At Diamond it will give you the edge to get to Champ and at Champ it becomes a common skill. Start practicing with these drills so you get ahead of the curve!
All-Star Aerials – Catch Training
Creator – Psynonix
Level – Gold, Platinum
Code – NA
All-Star Aerials is a great way to begin learning how to catch the ball. Fire up the training and focus on getting the ball to land on the top front of your car with the intention of slowing the ball down.
Creator – Wayprotein
Level – Diamond
Code – A85F-0C53-A1BE-75EB
This 24 shot pack is loaded with various catch scenarios that you can practice.
Let’s Play Catch
Creator – ProfessionalShanks
Level – Diamond
Code – 779A-5FD1-6C2A-8CAD
An 8 shot pack. I don’t have a video of this, but I included it because there aren’t a lot of catch drills on the trainer that work for this level.
Backboards – Offense
Being able to score off backboards is similar to catching at Diamond. Not a lot of players at that tier can do it, but knowing now will get you ahead of the curve. It’s absolutely critical past Diamond as everyone starts hitting basic backboards at Champion and it gets more advanced from there.
Basic Rebound Practice
Creator – MasonRL
Level – Platinum, Diamond
Code – 3DBA-229E-745C-429C
Start here to begin learning how to hit backboards. This is a small 9 shot pack training pack, but it builds a solid foundation for more advanced backboard training.
Basic Backboard Double Taps/Passes
Creator – Wayprotien
Level – Diamond
Code – FDED-E1E4-19A9-D130
After getting good at Mason’s training pack, give this one a try. This is a nice step up into more intermediate level backboard training packs. If you start nailing these, you will start breezing through Diamond.
Backboards – Defense
While the threat of backboard goals are low for tiers below Champion, Knowing backboard defense is important as it will get you favorable clears and positioning for your teammates. Your opponents at Diamond and below will sit or delay a backboard so getting good at these drills now will get you through a lot of games.
Backboard Reads
Creator – Rizzo
Level – Platinum, Diamond
Code – 07E1-81BC-DD2E-BF8C
Created by Rizzo after John Sandman asked for a pack to defend against backboards. There are only 8 shots in the training pack, but each position is setup very well. This is the main training pack you’ll need until you get to Champion level play
Dribbling is important from Gold onward. Personally, I suck a dribbling, but I know enough to steer the ball to where I need it to go. It is a very big skill in 1s if you want to get past Gold tiers.
Dribble Turning Training
Creator – Vinne The Gooch
Level – Gold, Platinum
Code – 257B-829D-1BDB-479E
This is a small 5 pack training, but it focuses on basic turning of the ball. This a good introduction to dribbling in my opinion. Focus on turning the ball, landing it on the top of your car, and dribbling it down into the net.
Creator – Wayprotein
Level – Gold, Platinum, Diamond
Code – 3CD7-85FA-811B-BC25
This 16 shot training pack will take you from zero to hero when it comes to dribbling
Dribbling Challenge 1
Creator – French Fries
Level – Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Champion, Grand Champion
Code – NA
This is a great map to challenge once you get these dribbling training packs down pat. It starts out easy, but gets insane later on. There is a Dribbling challenge 2 available now – but you shouldn’t be challenging that until you can complete this one.
Everyone needs to practice kickoffs. The problem is you can’t really do kickoff training unless you hop into a game, so here is the next best thing:
Creator – Boldbirdman
Level – All
Code – 7EE0-F697-7453-7123
This is a very simple training pack that lines you up in kickoff position so you can practice your kickoff start over and over again. Here is a video on fast kickoffs so you can get practicing
Goalie Training
Being a good goalie and making saves is an on going skill development. You need to get faster and better at making saves and positioning the ball to a teammate or away from the opposing team as you move up in tiers. I have provided a few packs that are appropriate for up to Diamond Tier range.
All-Star Goalie Training
Creator – Psynonix
Level – Silver, Gold
Code – NA
The standard all-star goalie training should be plenty for up to gold training, especially if you are still learning to quick aerial. Keep practicing these and move on to a training pack once these become easy.
Protein Goalie
Creator – Wayprotein
Level – Gold, Platinum, Diamond
Code – 776F-E2BB-2993-78D7
This 25 shot training pack will challenge you with various save situations. Practice trying to hit the ball to the side and not hitting the backboard.
Uncomfortable Saves
Creator – Carlos Mailman
Level – Platinum, Diamond
Code – 5CB2-6D82-1B54-47B7
A 16 shot pack that puts you through some off-position situations where you have to make a save. I highly recommend this pack as it will get you familiar with controls reversing when you have ball cam on.
There isn’t a good pass training pack due to the limitations of the Rocket League Customer Trainer, but you can at least practice how to receive and score off passes. Here is a passing set I would recommend.
Creator – Wayprotein
Level – Platinum, Diamond
Codes – C833-6A35-A46A-7191 (left), 0590-9035-801A-E423 (Right), CDBB-8953-C052-654F (Infield)
This 3 training course pack focuses on both passing and receiving. You are limited to what you can do with the passing sequences, but try your best to replicate the pass given to you in the pack. Odd numbered shots you are receiving and even numbers shots you are attempting to pass.
Pinch Shots
Until you get to around mid-Diamond, most pinch shots are by chance or luck. These training packs focus on purposely creating a pitch shot chance so you can familiarize yourself with the mechanic in the game.
Pinching (XXL Pack)
Creator – Jayless Gaming
Level – Platinum, Diamond
Code – 447F-E68A-DD0C-CB6F
This 30 shot training will build the muscle memory you need to handle most basic to immediate pinches in the game.
Wall “Pinches”
Creator – Biddles
Level – Diamond
Code – DD78-31C9-C06E-D1F6
This pack is a step up from the first one mentioned. No video is available – but it’s Biddles. Everything he releases is great to use.
Power Clears
Power clears is a basic skill that all Rocket League players at any tier needs to master. The training packs listed in this section are basic in nature as many other training packs incorporate power clears as part of their training.
Basic Power Shots/Clears
Creator – Wayprotein
Level – Silver, Gold
Code – 34E3-CD33-0A2C-D9BA
A 16 shot training pack that takes you through multiple power clear scenarios. To power clear, wait for the ball to hit the ground then right after it bounces go for the hit.
Redirects are usually by chance up until high Diamond. Here are a few lower level redirect training courses that should get you going. Most redirect packs available are too advanced until you are at Champ level.
Basic (Inverted) Redirects
Creator – Wayprotein
Level – Platinum, Diamond
Code – 0697-0491-2D8A-8124
An intro 8 shot training pack on hitting inverted aerials. Get this pack down before attempting other redirect training packs.
Easy Redirects and Backboard Shots
Creator – Moldy Bread
Level – Platinum, Diamond
Code – 7D8F-A579-6A47-4DFA
Another intro pack. This one is only 7 shots. Again – redirects are an advanced skill so I’m spoon feeding you easier redirect training packs so you can build your foundation for more advanced ones.
Kickoff Redirects
Creator – Timothy RL
Level – Platinum, Diamond
Code – AEA3-64CF-4309-A0FA
This 8 shot rocket league training pack highlights common kickoff scenarios where you can hit the ball off the rebound for a goal. These situations happen a bunch on all playlists. If you get good at thing, it is not uncommon to get an extra goal off these rebounds every game.
Everyone hates missing shots. So here are a few training packs that work on improving your accuracy
Shots You Shouldn’t Miss
Creator – Flickle Platypus
Level – Gold, Platinum, Diamond
Code – 42BF-686D-E047-574B
Flicke’s shot pack is one of the best shot training packs on the server.
Biddles Progression
Creator – Biddles
Level – All
Code – 7E96-B9C7-3AC0-9B70
Biddles does it again with an epic 40 shot training pack. This is a must to go through.
Wall Shots
Wall shots become common from Gold tiers and on. They get more and more advanced at higher tiers. Here are a few all wall shot training packs that are appropriate for Diamond tiers and below.
Protein Wall Shots
Creator – Wayprotein
Level – Diamond
Code – 8989-46CE-AE49-0561
Once you have the foundations down regarding wall shots give this one a go. It goes from immediate to advanced and is 30 shots long.
Advanced Wall Shots Training Pack
Creator – Christo 5
Level – Diamond
Code – 6372-000B-B3F4-32A0
A 14 shot wall offense rocket league training pack. Some of these wall shots you can backboard after the initial hit for extra practice and flair.
Wall Defense
You are not going to get out of Diamond if you do not get good at wall defense. It starts becoming a major deal In diamond as players will hit goals off wall and rebounds
No Flip Clears
Creator – Yeeza
Level – Platinum, Diamond
Code – 50A0-CCEF-2350-4A46
Knowing when to flip and not flip when it comes to wall clears will prevent from getting weak clears that will put your teammates in bad situations. This 10 shot training pack will help develop your timing and feel for when you can clear without flipping your car.
Defensive Training Pack
Creator – Torment
Level – High Gold, Platinum, Diamond
Code – 2000-F818-4C12-CB24
This 20 Shot wall defense training pack runs you through most of the wall defense scenarios you will run into before Champion
Biddles Wall Bounce Clears
Creator – Biddles
Level – Diamond
Code – E445-AA70-ABF1-1631
Being unable to clear the ball and feeling pressure is frustrating. This pack puts you through various uncomfortable wall clear sitations. All these balls should be cleared past midfield.
Rocket League Trainer Pack Creator Credits
This post would have not been possible without these great creators who put the hours in their game to develop these rocket league training packs. Below are all the creators used in this post and where to find them and follow on social media. If I couldn’t find their social media, I have linked to their Rocket League Tracker Profile. Give them some love by following them.
Biddles – Link
Boldbirdman – Link
Christo 5 – Link
Flickle Platypus – Link
French Fries – Link
Jayless Gaming – Link
MasonRL – Link
Moldy Bread
Nasty Zjoon – Link
Nathz – Link
Rizzo – Link
Timothy RL – Link
Torment – Link
Vinne The Gooch – Link
Way Protein – Link
Yeeza – Link
Thanks for reading and viewing and see you in-game or on our Discord server! Also, check out our other post about Rocket League 2v2 strategy.
Rocket League Training – About the Author
Chupa49 is part of the RLCD.GG website staff. He joined us as a Challenger 1 back in Season 3. As of the beginning of season 6, he is a Diamond 3 player. He has benefited from the discord server by getting coached by several members. As a part of giving back to the community that has helped him get to a tier he never thought was possible, he wrote up this guide to help out many others in his situation with very limited time and with no direction to go to find the right type of training and coaching at his level that would be beneficial to him.