Welcome to Rocket League Coaching Discord
The Best Rocket League Coaching Community On The Planet!
Join our community of over 5500 Rocket League players
Rocket League Coaching from RLCD
Rocket League Coaching Discord (RLCD) is a community-run discord designed to connect players together to help each other improve. We have members from all skill levels from Bronze to top 100 and best of all, our coaching is 100% free!
Rocket League Players
Grand Champions
NA Server Players
EU Server Players
What Our Rocket League Coaching Discord Offers
Our community is comprised of Rocket Players from across all parts of the world. Whether you are a casual player looking for reliable players to team with or a hard-core competitive player gunning for an RLCS spot. We have something for you.
Rocket League Coaching
Our community offers 1 on 1 coaching, replay analysis, training packs, and a 24-7 run discord community where you can discuss coaching and strategy throughout the day. We coach all levels of players from Bronze up to competitive tournament players. Our coaches consistent of Grand Champions, top 100 players, and active and former professional players. Our philsophy is free rocket league coaching. We want high level coaching to be open to all players in the Rocket league Community. The better the community gets, the better the game becomes.
Events and Tournaments
Special events, in-house scrimmages, giveaways and contests, and of course tournaments! There is always something going on with our discord community that will keep your competitive juices going. Our events and tournaments are casted and streamed professionally by North America and European server members. We host all our tournaments on Smash.gg and cast them on Twitch.
Rocket League In-Depth Strategy
Our content and video blog offers in-depth Rocket League strategy. We house our best content on our site so you have an easy place to refer to it instead of searching through various forums and links. Our articles are in-depth, detailed, and insightful. We aim to become your trusted source for winning and applicable stragety when it comes to Rocket League Competitive play.
See What Our Members Say About Us
Our International Discord channel helps all. See what players have said about our coaches.

Weekly Replay Analysis, Casted Tournaments, Live Coaching, Special Events and More! Watch Live and Chat With Us On Twitch
Rocket League Coaching Discord is strongly supported by several organizations active in the Rocket League community. We work together to make our coaching community the best in the world!